Sunday, November 30, 2014

Entry #8 Reminisce

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen! The topic for today will be high school moments.

Everybody had great and sad moments, but for the purpose this, i will mainly discuss the moments that made me happy. One of those moments happen to be my girlfriend and we have been together since the first year of high school. We did so much together and every waking moment was absolutely precious to me. Everyone seems so shocked when i tell them that her and i have been together for oh so long because apparently relationships tend to not last long. In the end, it is good because relationships lead to finding your type and allows one to explore their desires and limits. 

Another great moment of my high school days was the moment i changed. To elaborate, in my eyes, i saw myself as an insolent fool that didn't show much care with much. Then during my junior year, i felt a little change where i have begin to give a crap about something and started realizing or maturing out of my childish ways. My senior year, i felt like i was more respectful, considerate, and genuine to everyone and everything. My top moment is finally growing up and taking on the "adult" life. Although i would like to avoid taxes, bills, debt, and long schooling.

1 comment:

  1. Good post. Use the set-up and and sign off sections of the post to help connect the larger points of this post to the reader.
